Anna Wisjö Photography

Now more than ever, you need personal branding images to highlight who’s behind the account on Instagram, Facebook and even your website. As a Charlotte Branding Photographer, I love collaborating with small businesses to put together a gallery of personal images to pull from throughout the month/year. A branding session can include a wardrobe change, […]

Charlotte Branding Photographer | Anna Wisjo Photography

This Tanglewood Park Bridal Session had me go oh my goodness….. Kim was so beautiful in her dress on this hot summer day. I love when brides want to include a bridal session because it is a perfect time to try your hair and makeup, your bouquet and practice a little in front of the […]

Tanglewood Bridal Session | Anna Wisjo Photography

A while back when visiting with my sister and her family in Sweden, her husband Lasse, singer and guitar player asked me to grab a few images of him with his guitar to use for marketing etc. Being a Personal Branding Photographer is fun as you get to see the insides of someones brand and […]

Halmstad Trubadur | Lasse | Personal Branding Photographer

Happy 7th birthday portraits of my sweet Elliott. You have grown so much in the last year. You lost 4 teeth and got 4 new ones, a few molars are coming in. You are reading like a champ and excelling in school. You joined team gymnastics and are doing great. Swimming is coming right along. […]

Elliott 7 year | Anna Wisjo Photography

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Servicing  Charlotte  |  Cornelius  |  Huntersville  |  Davidson  |  Ballantyne  and surrounding areas